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[Fwd: [Ha-Safran]: New YIVO CD: Songs Are All I Have]

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Subject: [Ha-Safran]: New YIVO CD: Songs Are All I Have
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 16:46 EST
From: Aaron Taub <ataub (at) yivo(dot)cjh(dot)org>
Reply-To: ataub (at) yivo(dot)cjh(dot)org
To: hasafran (at) lists(dot)acs(dot)ohio-state(dot)edu

Dear Colleagues:

The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is proud to announce the release of a
new compact disc entitled Songs Are All I Have: the Musical Legacy of
Vladimir Heifetz.  The cd features the New Yiddish Chorale conducted by
Zalmen Mlotek and soloists Robert Paul Abelson, Re`ut Ben Ze'ev, Adrienne
Cooper, Amy Goldstein, and Lorin Sklamberg.  The booklet contains lyrics in
Yiddish, Hebrew, romanized Yiddish and Hebrew, and English translations as
well as an introduction by Mark Slobin, Professor of Music at Wesleyan
University.  The cd was produced by Donna Gallers and is available through
the Center for Jewish History Shop (917 606-8221) and the Jewish Book Center
of the Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring 212 889-6800, ext. 285.  Please direct
all inquiries regarding purchasing this cd (or the ones listed below) to
those establishments.  The YIVO Institute does not sell them directly.

Other YIVO compact discs/tapes available for purchase are:

1) "Bontshe the Silent" and Other Selections from Yiddish Literature (1998)

2) "Taybele and Her Demons:" and Other Selections from Yiddish Literature

3) In Love and In Struggle: the Musical Legacy of the Jewish Labor Bund


Aaron Taub, M.A., M.L.S.
Catalog and Acquisitions Librarian
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Address: 15 West 16th Street New York, NY 10011
Telephone: 212 294-6168
Fax: 212 292-1892
E-Mail: ataub (at) yivo(dot)cjh(dot)org
Web Site: http://
YIVO Library Online Catalog:

  HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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