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Fwd: Jewish Music Archives/Chicago

>Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 09:15:46 -0500
>From: Richard Schwegel <schwegel (at) chipublib(dot)org>
>Organization: Chicago Public Library
>        The Chicago Public Library maintains an archive called the Dina
>Halpern Jewish Music Archive. It is dedicated to recording live
>performances of Jewish music, and interviewing performers, wherever it
>performed. In pursuance of this object, one volunteer, Cyril Robinson,
>been to festivals in New York, New Jersey, Toronto, London, Vilna, St.
>Petersburg, and has recorded in cafes in Bristol, England and Paris. He
>can, however, only record so much. In addition to concerts, he has also
>interviewed numerous musicians, and recorded practice sessions. We wish
>expand our collection beyond the capacity of one person to carry out
>        Therefore we are calling on any klezmer musician who wishes to
>do so to
>(1) interview fellow musicians, and (2) record practice sessions, and
>send the product to the library at the address below.
>        It is our object to create a collection which not only lovers of
>music can listen to, but a collection that will be a resource for
>as well. Listeners will be able to listen but not to download from the
>collection. Practice sessions will eventually be catalogued in a
>        Upon receiving an item, we will send an immediate
>acknowledgment. If you wish, after it has been processed, we will send
>you a copy of whatever you have
>sent us.
>        It is our object to give a contemporary portrait of Jewish
>music, and we
>hope, over the years, to establish a moving portrait of its development.
>also welcome any comment or suggestions from musicians on how to improve
>this collection.
>Richard Schwegel
>Head, Music Information Center
>Chicago Public Library
>400 S. State St.
>Chicago, IL 60605

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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