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Out of Israel

hi from a course in the Azores Islands, I have only spotty email access so 
today caught up on old messages, and read the notice about the Out of Israel 
video. I've mentioned this before, but will do so again: bear in mind that at 
least in Belmonte and Hervas (and probably in Mallorca as well), people 
interviewed in the film were NOT told it would be for sale, only that it was 
for the Beth Hatefutsoth, and , at least in Belmonte, and to my knowledge 
Hervas, never received copies, never received thank you letters and certainly 
do not receive any royalties from sales either. In Belmonte they found out it 
was issued as a video when I told them and left a copy for them, not before. I 
discussed this with Yitzhak Navon when we were at a conference in England last 
year, with not terribly satisfactory results (from my point of view at least, 
can't speak for him). cheers, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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