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Re: music. the p-word and staying alive

Dear Fred: have the courtesy to take this off-list and I'd be happy to 
respond to you.
Trudi Goodman

>From: "Fred Blumenthal" <xd2fabl (at) us(dot)ibm(dot)com>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: music. the p-word and staying alive
>Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 09:42:34 -0500
>Ms. Goodman wants politics and music to be separate, but then illustrates
>vividly and vociferously how her role as a Jewish musician can't be
>separated from the anti-Semitism around her.  Should we cease singing
>"Avadim Hayinu?"
>Fred Blumenthal
>xd2fabl (at) us(dot)ibm(dot)com
>                       "Trudi Goodman"
>                       <goobietheg (at) hotmail        To:       World music 
>from a Jewish slant
>                       .com>                       
><jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>                       Sent by:                   cc:
>                       owner-jewish-music@        Subject:  Re: music. the 
>p-word and staying alive
>                       06/25/2002 02:54 AM
>                       Please respond to
>                       jewish-music
>  No offense. What did you expect???? That in general,  Europeans would
>generally give a ____ about Jews???This stuff really doesn't belong on this
>Music List, you know. I'm sure that people will be happy to speak to you
>off list about it. I'd be happy to. My email is: trudigoodman (at) 
>And the reason that I say that has nothing to do with any lack of sympathy
>for your feelings(I do have rachmones for your position), than the fact
>that the subject is so volatile for so many Jews.
>  Many of us, myself included are already dealing with the Anti-Semitic
>fallout of 9/11 in our artistic lives already.  You wouldn't believe the
>stuff that has been said to me lately as an actor and musical performer!
>As for the Sephardic List you emailed. Being part Sephard, I can tell you
>that there are lots of lists. Try the Cafe Ami website where people are
>more tolerant.  I personally living in the Northeast have heard and seen so
>much Anti-Jewish crap over the last few months that all I can tell you as a
>Creative Artist, is to keep on creating and voicing your concerns via your
>art and your identity.  Continue being your Courageous Jewish Womanly Self.
>Unfortunately, sometimes, Es Sver Zu Zayn A Yid(It's Hard To Be A Jew).
>Shalom Aveinu, Shalom Aleichem,
>Trudi the G
> >From: Judith R Cohen
> >Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> >To: World music from a Jewish slant
> >Subject: music and the p-word
> >Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 06:27:35 -0400
> >
> >hi, as an example of how separating discussions of music from
> >discussions of politics does/n't(?), work, I posed my message about the
> >Palestinian-Jewish concert to Sephardic discussion lists. It received no
> >comment whatsoever except a furious message from someone living in
> >Israel who asked why I "dared" "enjoy" a concert , any concert at all,
> >let alone one with "our enemies" while he and his family and other
> >Israelis were suffering.
> >
> >Meanwhile, a different peace concert was cancelled: it was to be part of
> >the events of European Day of Jewish Culture, June 16, in the same
> >Spanish town about which I've written several articles describing their
> >invented "Jewish" festival which includes, among many other things,
> >music played by the local folk group and largely learned from my and
> >Gerineldo cd's as well as Gloria Levy's. Already, when I was there
> >briefly in May, the signs reading things like "Friend of Sefarad" had
> >been defaced with red paint and swastikas, which Town Hall had not "got
> >around" to having cleaned; now, June 16's activities were supposed to
> >include a "concert for peace". A friend from the town wrote me the other
> >day to tell me Town Hall cancelled this and all other activities for the
> >day - "in solidarity with the Palestinian people."
> >Judith
> >
> >
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