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Re: music. the p-word and staying alive


 No offense. What did you expect???? That in general,  Europeans would generally give a ____ about Jews???This stuff really doesn't belong on this Music List, you know. I'm sure that people will be happy to speak to you off list about it. I'd be happy to. My email is: trudigoodman (at) yahoo(dot)com.  And the reason that I say that has nothing to do with any lack of sympathy for your feelings(I do have rachmones for your position), than the fact that the subject is so volatile for so many Jews.

 Many of us, myself included are already dealing with the Anti-Semitic fallout of 9/11 in our artistic lives already.  You wouldn't believe the stuff that has been said to me lately as an actor and musical performer!  As for the Sephardic List you emailed. Being part Sephard, I can tell you that there are lots of lists. Try the Cafe Ami website where people are more tolerant.  I personally living in the Northeast have heard and seen so much Anti-Jewish crap over the last few months that all I can tell you as a Creative Artist, is to keep on creating and voicing your concerns via your art and your identity.  Continue being your Courageous Jewish Womanly Self. Unfortunately, sometimes, Es Sver Zu Zayn A Yid(It's Hard To Be A Jew).

Shalom Aveinu, Shalom Aleichem,

Trudi the G

>From: Judith R Cohen
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject: music and the p-word
>Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 06:27:35 -0400
>hi, as an example of how separating discussions of music from
>discussions of politics does/n't(?), work, I posed my message about the
>Palestinian-Jewish concert to Sephardic discussion lists. It received no
>comment whatsoever except a furious message from someone living in
>Israel who asked why I "dared" "enjoy" a concert , any concert at all,
>let alone one with "our enemies" while he and his family and other
>Israelis were suffering.
>Meanwhile, a different peace concert was cancelled: it was to be part of
>the events of European Day of Jewish Culture, June 16, in the same
>Spanish town about which I've written several articles describing their
>invented "Jewish" festival which includes, among many other things,
>music played by the local folk group and largely learned from my and
>Gerineldo cd's as well as Gloria Levy's. Already, when I was there
>briefly in May, the signs reading things like "Friend of Sefarad" had
>been defaced with red paint and swastikas, which Town Hall had not "got
>around" to having cleaned; now, June 16's activities were supposed to
>include a "concert for peace". A friend from the town wrote me the other
>day to tell me Town Hall cancelled this and all other activities for the
>day - "in solidarity with the Palestinian people."

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