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Silk Road Festival at the Smithsonian

The 2002 Smithsonian Folklife Festival will celebrate the arts of the Silk 
Road this summer from June 26 - July 7, closed July 1 and 2.  From 23 
nations, over 330 artists of music, ceramics, silk weaving, paper, puppetry, 
and many other cultural traditions will join on the National Mall of the 
United States for 10 days of cultural exploration and connection.

"The Silk Road: Connecting Cultures, Creating Trust" is co-produced by the 
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage and The Silk Road 
Project, Inc., an international music and arts initiative founded by Yo-Yo 
Ma.  Please visit the festival URL for more information and for daily 
updates and features during the festival:

Also, check out the recently released Smithsonian Folkways 2-CD set, "The 
Silk Road: A Musical Caravan" which features a number of musicians at the 
festival as well as many others.

... The Jewish music connection is that two ensembles composed of Bukhara, 
Uzbekistan emigres to Queens, New York will be performing and participating 
in workshops at the festival.  The Ilyas Malaev Ensemble and Shashmaqam 
Ensemble will perform Bukharan Jewish music and classical Central Asian 
maqam on the first and second weeks, respectively.

Best to all,
Shayna Silverstein
The Silk Road Project

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