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Ladino Concert in New York on June 17th


Concert featuring

Cantor Richard Botton
Arrangements and Accompaniment by Joyce Rosenzweig

JUNE 17, 2002  7:00 PM
Hebrew Union College-
Jewish Institute of Religion
Brookdale Center
One West 4th Street
(between Broadway and Mercer)
New York City
Admission is Free

Cantor Richard Botton, Cantor Emeritus of Central Synagogue in NYC, will 
present a
musical reverie with Ladino songs from his Sephardic heritage.  This 
informative program will present Ladino music and culture with songs, 
stories, history and reflections.  Special arrangements and accompaniment 
will be provided by HUC-JIR?s Artist-in Residence Joyce Rosenzweig.

Living Ladino is part of an ongoing initiative at Hebrew Union 
College-Jewish Institute of Religion to integrate Sephardic Studies into its 
curriculum and to increase exposure to Sephardic history and traditions.  
Support for the initiative has been provided by The Maurice Amado Foundation

For more information:    (212) 824-2293    sschriever (at) huc(dot)edu

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