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I must take exception to Sam Weiss' dismissal of Shiloah's book as something 
which resembles a poorly written PhD thesis. I think the original 
term "isiosyncratic" is just fine. There are organizational elements I disagree 
with in the book, but it is one approach, and a valid one, and Shiloah's 
scholarhsip is indisputable, though not always even in each area. The Judith 
Kaplan Eisenstein survey book is on an entirely different sort of level, and is 
useful in many ways, although I certainly take excpetion to the arrangements. 
On the other hand, her overlooked work on the possible relationships of Jewish 
music to the Provencal troubadours (an old issue of Musica Judaica) should be 
examined again. cheers from Granada, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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