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Yale Strom concert, June 9th


Notice to New Yorkers or those visiting on Sunday, June 9th, 7 pm. There 
will be a program titled, "From Istanbul to Iasi (Yash): The Balkan 
Bessarabian Connection - The Influence of Sephardic Music on Romanian 
Klezmer Music." Sound fascinating and I hope someone can attend and report 
back to the list.



>Sunday, June 9, 2002 7pm
>SPRING CONCERT - From Istanbul to Iasi (Yash): The Balcan Bessarabian 
>Connection - The Influence of Sephardic Music on Romanian Klezmer Music
>Featuring: Yale Strom and the Hot P'stromi Ensemble
>Presented by Sephardic House and the American Sephardi Foundation
>One of the world's leading authorities on Jewish music. Composer, 
>musician, ethnomusicologist, Yale Strom's research into the music of 
>Romania and the Balkans and its influence on Sephardic and klezmer music 
>form the core of this extraordinary music. The concert is dedicated to the 
>memory of Mr. Abe Capon.
>Place: Center for Jewish History, 15 W 16 St. NYC 10011
>Tickets: $18 General Public $75 Patrons ( receive a Hot P'stromi Ensemble CD).
>Advance ticket sales are available at the Box Office of the Center for 
>Jewish History
>Call 917 / 606-8200 or Sephardic House: 212/294-6170 fax 212 / 294-6149, 
>e-mail sephardichouse (at) cjh(dot)org

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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