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Re: course material


I could not agree more with Judith: there's simply no textbook for
"Jewish music".
The reason (one of the reasons, at least) for this is that there is
not "one Jewish music", and no scholar after Idelsohn can honestly
adhere to some sort of a late-Romantic weltanschauung trying to unify
a bunch of diverse musical issues under one basic set of

In my view, though, no general book on "Jewish music" (whatever its
author may think "JM" is in reality or in the hyperuranium) has yet
surpassed Idelsohn's (which in its English version dates back to
1929): the book holds its historical value, and the width of issues
it explores, no matter how suprassed the views on them may be at this
point, is truly amazing to me every time I pick it up. But Idelsohn's
book alone will leave anybody stranded. I know this for a fact, since
I believe that the only existing translation of the English version
is in Italian (see, and I keep having to
re-direct Italian students to different sources...

Hence, we all have to go through articles -- and each one of us
builds his/her own path.

As far a general/introductory books are concerned, my personal
preference goes to Israel Adler's "The Study of Jewish Music. A
Bibliographical Guide", Yuval Monograph Series no. 10, Magnes Press,
Jerusalem 1995. It's short, inexpensive (check with the Jewish Music
Research Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for current
pricing and availability), with a synthetic introduction, a
periodization, and most importantly a carefully selected
bibliography, which actually occupies most of the book.

Also, the "Music" article in the Encyclopaedia Judaica remains a must
for any student. And the same holds for the "Jewish Music" entry in
the newest edition of the New Grove Dictionary. Other music
encyclopedias should be discarded, I believe.

Finally, Edwin Seroussi edited, a few years back, an Internet course
about "Jewish music" which I believe is still available from Bar-Ilan
University (Judy (Pinnolis), do you know wheter it still is?).

I don't belong to the JFE list, and I hope I haven't repeated too
much of what was already said around.


>hi, this discussion came up a couple of months ago, with some useful
>information, on the JFE (Jewish FOlklore and Ethnology) discussion list; you
>may want to check it out rather than repeat it. Yes, Shiloahg's book is
>probably a must, but I find it more useful as a reference than as a textbook.
>There is really no one useable textbook, you really have to go through what´s
>around and make your own syllabus, geared to the students in that course.
>If it's really a course in Jewish music, rather than a course in
>Ashkenazi music with bits of Sephardic or Uzebki or Ethiopian Jewish
>music tossed in, then you have to go through journal articles, RELIABLE cd
>notes, etc.  Actually, I´ve found that to be the case in most music ,and
>humanities, courses I've taught. cheers from Valencia, Judith


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YUVAL ITALIA      Centro Studi Musica Ebraica
the  Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music

via della Guastalla,19            20122 Milano Italy
tel/fax +39 02 55014977    yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it
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