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course material

hi, this discussion came up a couple of months ago, with some useful 
information, on the JFE (Jewish FOlklore and Ethnology) discussion list; you 
may want to check it out rather than repeat it. Yes, Shiloahg's book is 
probably a must, but I find it more useful as a reference than as a textbook. 
There is really no one useable textbook, you really have to go through what´s 
around and make your own syllabus, geared to the students in that course. 
If it's really a course in Jewish music, rather than a course in 
Ashkenazi music with bits of Sephardic or Uzebki or Ethiopian Jewish 
music tossed in, then you have to go through journal articles, RELIABLE cd 
notes, etc.  Actually, I´ve found that to be the case in most music ,and 
humanities, courses I've taught. cheers from Valencia, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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