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Sephardic Tinge

Here is the list for Sephardic Tinge...all cds are referenced at
it is a pretty cool site and you can let them know tour thoughts...elliott

1. Detritus
2. Like Trees, Like Leaves?
3. El Sueño de la Hija del Rey
4. Et Dodim
5. Our Beautiful Garden Is Open
6. There Is Nothing To Be Done
7. Nani Nani
8. Youkali
9. Scalerica de Oro
10. Adon Haslichot

The third CD in the legacy of mad genius Anthony Coleman?s most popular working
band takes us, as always, to a magnetic world of loving dysfunction. Together
for over four years, the piano trio Sephardic Tinge has developed a unique style
rivaling the telepathic interplay of Bill Evans, the compositional integrity
of Herbie Nichols and the popular cheese of Irving Fields. Charming Jewish music
informed by jazz, borscht belt humor, Latin rhythms, Ahasuerus and self-hatred
from one of the most twisted minds in the downtown scene.

Anthony Coleman: piano
Ben Street: bass
Michael Sarin: drums

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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