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Yiddish in Israel--a post script

Many moons ago, this group was discussing the question of Yiddish and its 
prestige (or lack thereof) in Israel/by Israelis.  I thought that this quote 
that I came across on the Jewish Women's Archive while reading about Molly 
Picon was relevent to that discussion, in terms of the yichis of this 
conflicted attitude.  (The italics are quoting Molly directly).

In 1932, the couple visited the renowned author and poet, Chaim Nachman 
Bialik, in Palestine. Publicly challenging the community’s "Hebrew only" 
policies, Picon performed exclusively in Yiddish. “At that time, Palestinians 
were adamant about speaking only Hebrew. Yiddish was outlawed, and very 
often-bloody fights occurred between those who spoke only Hebrew and those 
who spoke only Yiddish.”


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