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Fwd: Yinglish from Word-A-Day

Sha, sha - It's not musically related, I know, but given the discussion thread 
on Yinglish and Yiddish words (or not Yiddish words) in English, I thought this 
just beginning Word-A-Day series would be of interest to some list members.

Please note the urls at the end of the message for websites to access 
soundfiles pronouncing the word.  Neat, huh?


>Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 00:01:57 -0400
>From: Wordsmith <wsmith (at) wordsmith(dot)org>
>To: linguaphile (at) wordsmith(dot)org
>Subject: A.Word.A.Day--chutzpah
>chutzpah (KHOOT-spuh, HOOT-) noun, also chutzpa
>   Shameless impudence, brazen nerve, gall, effrontery.
>[From Yiddish khutspe, from Late Hebrew huspa.]
>   "Bill Gates, the company's chairman, even had the chutzpah to say that
>   this week's ruling was a challenge to `healthy competition in the
>   software industry'."
>   Leaders: Breaking Up Microsoft, The Economist (London), Jun 10, 2000.
>A language is the soul of its people. This is nowhere illustrated more
>profoundly than in the Yiddish language, the language of Jews of eastern
>and central Europe and their descendants. A tongue full of wit and charm,
>Yiddish embodies deep appreciation of human behavior in all its colorful
>manifestations. The word Yiddish comes from German Judisch meaning Jewish.
>But it is not the same as Hebrew, even though it is written in Hebrew script.
>Here's what Yiddish writer Isaac Bashevis Singer had to say about the
>language in his 1978 Nobel Prize acceptance speech:
>   "Yiddish language - a language of exile, without a land, without
>   frontiers, not supported by any government, a language which possesses
>   no words for weapons, ammunition, military exercises, war tactics ...
>   There is a quiet humor in Yiddish and a gratitude for every day of life,
>   every crumb of success, each encounter of love. The Yiddish mentality is
>   not haughty. It does not take victory for granted. It does not demand
>   and command but it muddles through, sneaks by, smuggles itself amidst
>   the powers of destruction, knowing somewhere that God's plan for
>   Creation is still at the very beginning ...
>   In a figurative way, Yiddish is the wise and humble language of us all,
>   the idiom of frightened and hopeful Humanity."
>Many of the everyday English language words such as bagel, klutz, and kibitz
>are terms from Yiddish. This week we'll look at a few other Yiddishisms
>that have enriched the English language.                           -Anu
>Today's AWAD is sponsored by NannyTax, Inc., offering on-line tax preparation
>and payroll tax compliance services to employers of domestic help. Please
>Learn A Second Language Quickly And Easily with Pimsleur. Only 30-minutes
>a day, easily done in your car!
>I look for what needs to be done.... After all, that's how the universe
>designs itself. -R. Buckminster Fuller, engineer, designer, and architect
>Send your comments to anu (at) wordsmith(dot)org(dot) To subscribe or 
>unsubscribe, send 
>a message to wsmith (at) wordsmith(dot)org with "Subject:" line as "subscribe 
>or "unsubscribe". Archives, FAQ, gift subscription form, bulletin board, 
>and more at

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