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seeking UK klezmer band

I received the following e-mail from someone in the UK(London area).  Can 
anyone on the list help this person?  I'm not up on the latest UK klez bands  
living where I do in the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains here in Alberta!
Please respond directly to:  stephen(dot)dell (at) btopenworld(dot)com

Stephen Dell wrote:

"I am getting married in August.  We would  really
like to have a Klezmer band at the party, along with 160 people eating
Lebanese food and drinking French champagne.
Do you think you could suggest people I should contact.

You can e-mail me at stephen(dot)dell (at) btopenworld(dot)com or call me on my 
which is 07966 464 005.

Many thanks for your help, in anticipation."

Yours sincerely
Stephen Dell

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