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Vmeste again?

Don't fail to miss part II of the Russian Language series of articles 
written by Josh Horowitz and translated by Inna Gerlovina entitled:

Geld For Guilt

Vmeste no. 4 (58) April 2002.
1850 Tice Valley Blvd.
Walnut Creek, CA. 94595
Tel 510 704-7475

Critics have made the following comments on this smoldering ice bath...

"...The worst polemic of the year. A 'read must' for dyslexics."

"Horowitz has taken gobsmacking to a new dimension; namely, the wrong one."

"Intelligence. Wit. Sarcasm. Warmth. Horowitz avoids all with viscious

"Uniquely non-descript. Of all the articles I've read this year, this was
certainly one of them. "

"If anyone else had written this scathing and complex article, I would have
said they were schizophrenic. Horowitz is no exception. Both of him."



---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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