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Re: Shlomo's "Eli Ata"? (Was: Pronunciations)

Probably was referring to the Chabad "Eyli Ata".

At 05:58 PM 4/14/02, Robert Cohen wrote:
>What is Shlomo's "Eli Ata"?!  Didn't know he had one!  (Don't think he 
>did, to be honest, but I may, obviously, just not know ...)
>--Robert Cohen
>>I don't think that this is recent.  14 years ago, when I became the Hazzanit
>>at the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation in Evanston, I was carefully
>>instructed on how to sing along the lines of Sephardic pronunciations
>>("ve-ne-e-mar vehaYA Adoshem...").  I doubt they were unique in this.
>>(Sometimes it really damaged the music, too, as in Carlebach's Eli Ata, the
>>melody of which is really thrown off when you have to sing eLI aTA
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