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klose but no klez

I spent the last couple of months debating the difficult decision of whether
to see Klezmer Madness at Symphony Space or Naftules Dream at Bard...I got real
close to Bard...all the way to Rhinebeck...but ended up seeing an interesting
creative production of Kurt Weill's Die sieben Todsünden. (The Seven Deadly
Sins)at Vassar College...with a great clarinet and piano accompaniment....ok,
the clarinetist was my daughter...ok, it was an easy Weill 
all he was a cantor's son...anyway, if anyone saw either of those 2 klez shows
would love to hear thoughts about them....and if Weill is jewish-music, would
love to talk about that too...elliott

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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