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Strauss/Warschauer Duo seeks bookings in Europe, Summer 2002

The Strauss/Warschauer Duo will be performing and teaching in Europe this 
coming summer from late June until early August.  Our schedule is fairly 
full, but we do have some open dates.  

In addition to concerts, the Duo offers lecture/demos and hands-on workshops 
for all ages on klezmer instrumental music (mixed ensembles, fidl kapelye and 
mandolin orchestra), Yiddish song and Yiddish dance. 

A promo package with CD, press info and a complete listing of concert 
programs, lecture/demos and hands-on workshops is available.   

If you are interested in booking the Duo please contact us by e-mail at 
warschauer (at) aol(dot)com, or by telephone in Brooklyn at (718) 399-1147.  
Fax is 
(718) 399-0863.  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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