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Re: fun with translation

In a message dated 4/8/02 6:38:16 PM, winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<<  I once ran a bit of a Russian dance book through BabelFish.  Here is what 
came out:


 1. rite of wedding under the the khupoy.

a) female dance with the spark plugs before the the khupoy; b) man dance

with the spark plugs before the the khupoy; c) of the blessings of rabbi,

dressing rings, raspivaniye of wine from the glasses, splitting glass. d)

dance Mazl- comrade of man female khupa is removed. 

2. Dance A....

grandmother and the grand-dad of young. the ritual 

3. extension of

match-maker on tray ko1lyc from ya-mya by spark plugs - ritual a) the dance

of fathers, fiance and bride, the extinguishing of spark plugs, each


The mazl-comrade dance has a funny story.   'Tov' was a common colloquialism 
for 'tovarishch' = 'comrade  so the Mazl Tov dance became the Mazl-comrade 

Helen >>

I needed that laugh! Thank you!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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