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Re: Where are you from?

B"H Munich

I'm from Binghamton, New York, though I left that
esteemed place of Yiddishkeit for Israel in 1989.
The Big G had other plans, and although I've played at
the Safed and Jerusalem Festivals, not I do most of
my playing in Europe, primarily Germany and
Switzerland. It's quite
an experience to play this music where it was created,
such as the Krakow Jewish Festival, or as I did last
week, at the Fürth Klezmer Festival. Frankfurt,
Berlin, Budapest, Prague - the audiences as a rule are
hugely involved in the arts, much more so than in the
US and even Israel, in my experience. So, more and
more, America is becoming for me the New Old Country,
while Europe becomes the Old Old Country. Or the New
World, as you like.

Happy Matza,

Alex Jacobowitz

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