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Yiddish Passover/Lorele af di luft!

Dear friends,

On Wednesday morning, March 27th, WKSU (an NPR station) will broadcast a 
show called Yiddish Passover during the Morning Edition show. For those 
of you in the Cleveland area you can hear it at 90.3-FM, otherwise it 
will be archived later and I'll post the info. The show will feature my 
CD, interviews with Steven Greenman and me, bits from a workshop he did 
with the WCKO, and I have no clue what else. Hope you'll give it a listen!

Here's a promotional blurb:

Tonight when Jews gather for the Passover feast the story of the
exodus from Egypt will be told in prayer and song. At most seder
tables the service will be in Hebrew, but another ancient
language is making a comeback. Yiddish, the language of the
ghettoes of Eastern Europe, is a blend of German, Slavic, and Hebrew
dialects that arose in the 12th century and was spoken by 11 million
people before the Nazi holocaust. WKSU's Vivian Goodman reports
that, in the Cleveland area, the language and its unique music has
captivated a new generation seeking its roots:

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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