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Re: New Release: Italian Jewish Musical Traditions


thank you for the news! It's wonderful to read that

>Re: Sale price on "Italian Jewish Musical Traditions"
>The response to this CD has been overwhelming, and though our initial order
>was VERY large, I expect to run out of this title within the week.
>We will keep taking CREDIT CARD orders for this title, and should we run out,
>we will ship them as soon as we receive our next shipment which should be
>within the next 2 weeks.
>This is the most popular title we have had since 'Wedding Without A Bride' by
>New Release***On Sale**$18.98 Shipping included within the US***New Release
>                                 On Sale Through March 25
>Thank You
>Hatikvah Music
>(323) 655-7083

I would like to use this as an "excuse" for a reminder to the list 
members, actually, for two remainders:

1) The "Italian Jewish Musical Traditions" is part of a series, 
"Musical Traditions in Israel", which includes other amazing titles, 
published by the Jewish Music Research Center at the Hebrew 
University of Jerusalem. The JMRC is -- together with the "Fonoteca", 
that is the National Sound Archives of the National and University 
Library in Jerusalem -- an amazing institution, founded in 1964 by 
Israel Adler, and currently directed by Edwin Seroussi. Their work - 
which in the case of the Italian CD happens to be also my own ;-) - 
is priceless.
Please keep this in mind! Visit the Center if you are in Jerusalem, 
give support from abroad. They need everybody's help, and they should 
be known by all of those who are in love with Jewish musical 
Their e-mail is mailto:jmrc (at) cc(dot)huji(dot)ac(dot)il and their web site 
is .

2) The CD is the result of several years of research. This included 
locating the field recordings in several institutions, going through 
them, sorting out the five or six different catalogues that already 
existed, and realizing that they were often misleading. Moreover, it 
included comparing the wealth of the Italian traditions as they were 
recorded fifty years ago with the current situation which, although 
less rich, still presents many elements of interest. Live testimonies 
are essential to this work, which cannot be carried on only in the 

If any list members are themselves of Italian descent, or know of 
Italian Jews who are still traditional culture bearers anywhere in 
the world, do not esitate in getting in touch with me or passing on 
(on or off list) the contact info to reach them.

Thank you!


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
YUVAL ITALIA      Centro Studi Musica Ebraica
the  Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music

via della Guastalla,19            20122 Milano Italy
tel/fax +39 02 55014977    yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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