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Lorele's CD

Dear all,

Just wanted to add my enthusiasm to the general warm reactions to Lorele's
new CD. I received my copy a few weeks ago and it's been playing fairly
constantly since. As others have mentioned, this is an important recording
in itself as a contribtion to the available recorded repertory of Yiddish
song. However, don't be led into thinking that this is some kind of 'dry'
archival recording. The songs are presented in fresh, skilful arrangements
(by Steven Greenman), showcasing the considerable talents of Lori, Michael
Alpert and Greenman himself, and conveying some of the pure enthusiasm of
these artists for the material.

Lori is a versatile singer, moving comfortably between vocal styles, from
a rich deep sound on 'Eliyohu hanovi' to an intimate whisper on 'Peysakh
avek', an attractive lullaby-style song anticipating Shavuot. My personal
favourite track is 'Tayere Malke', where the nine verses of the song,
performed by both Lori and Michael Alpert (using Warshawsky's melody) are
interspersed by traditional klezmer tunes, which bring the whole song into
one long dance set: it's clear from the recording that all involved had a
lot of fun recording this.

Had I time to write more, I'd mention some stunning tsimbl moments, a solo
track by Michael Alpert, some great songs I'd never heard before, nicely
produced liner notes... but I really don't have time... So, to wind up -
this CD is a real pleasure to listen to.

In case you have managed to miss the details:

'Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me - Volume 1 : Passover'
The Lori Cahan-Simon Ensemble, featuring Steven Greenman (violin), Michael
Alpert (vocals) and friends. Available from Lori Cahan-Simon:
l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org

All best,


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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