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khad gadyo

Hi, all.  I wanted to share something with you I found interesting.

In my research for my just-released peysakh album I had been looking at 
the song "Khad Gadyo". In different books I have seen both I.L. Peretz 
and I. (or sometimes Y.) Lukovsky as authors for the popular Yiddish 
version.  This I found confusing and one very reputable source assured 
me it was Lukovsky.

I have just gotten a hold of the book, Folksgezangen far shul un heym; 
aranzhirt far piano un gezang [Folksongs for School and Home; Arranged 
for piano and voice], Moses Ivker, 1947, and, SURPRISE!,  it has two 
different Khad-gadyo songs, one by Peretz, the other by Lukovsky.  The 
music has no composer listed for either, although the prolific Michl 
Gelbart has been named as composer for the melody used with the Peretz 
lyrics in other books.  The song we commonly sing is the one attributed 
to Peretz.  The two sets of lyrics are very similar, as is the musical 
structure, so I understand the confusion.  I'm so glad to have 
discovered this, as it clears up the confusion caused by the different 
listings as to author in many different books.

Does anyone have any more insight into this matter?

Does anyone have a biography of Lukovsky?


You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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