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Mimouna in CT - 2nd annual

Kol Ami (a regional conservative synagogue in CT) won the Solomon Schechter 
Gold award for last year's Mimouna.  If you live in CT, NY, Boston area or 
southern Mass. it is well worth the commute!

 featured performers at 2nd annual 

MIMOUNA Celebration 
 Saturday, April 6 at 8:00pm.

Voice of the Turtle takes their name from this biblical quote:  The flowers 
appear on the earth; the time of singing is come, and the voice of the turtle 
(dove) is heard in our land.

Mimouna, an after-Passover celebration that originated in Morocco, will be 
held on Saturday night, April 6 at Kol Ami in Cheshire.  The community is 
invited to this open house to join with Kol Ami as Voice of theTurtle 
welcomes the coming of spring and peace.   As is customary for this festival, 
a dessert spread of fruit, pastries, and sweets will be served. The word 
Mimouna is said to originate from the Hebrew/Aramaicword "mammon," which 
means prosperity, or from the Hebrew word "emunah," faith.  In any case, 
Mimouna at Kol Ami has been designed as an evening built on the concepts of 
hospitality, friendship,and community. 

Mimouna festivities will begin around 8:00 pm.  Admission is $15.  
Kol Ami is located at 1484 Highland Avenue (Route 10) in Cheshire. 
For more information, call Kol Ami at 203-272-1006 or 
Willa at 203-248-0291.

Willa Horowitz 

Leader and teacher of Israeli, Jewish and International folk dance 

130 Mount Sanford Road 
Hamden, CT 06518 

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