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March 13th-day of prayer

      It seems like a good time to put our differences aside, and unite it 
      This came my way, and I thought that we can add our musical gifts to this 

      Day Of Fasting, Prayer - And Unity  

      This coming Wednesday, March 13, Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan, has been 
declared a day of fasting and prayer for Jews all around the world, and will 
include a central prayer service at the Western Wall. The Chief Rabbinate of 
Israel, the Council of Torah Sages, and Orthodox Union/Rabbinical Council of 
America and others have all endorsed the call to make this Wednesday a day of 
unity and repentance in light of the grave situation facing the State of 
Israel. Those in Israel and abroad who cannot come to the Western Wall for the 
special prayer service are asked to gather in their own synagogues for the same 
purpose, and to recite special Yom Kippur Katan prayers, especially Psalms 83, 
130, and 142. The Chief Rabbinate statement reads, 
      "In light of the difficult situation in which the Nation of Israel is 
given, in which the blood of our brothers the Sons of Israel is spilled, and we 
have none on whom to rely except our Father in Heaven..." 

      The Council of Torah Sages (associated with the United Torah Judaism 
party) has released an "Urgent Call to All Jews," beginning, 
      "Nation of G-d! Awaken, arouse yourselves and call out to G-d! ... Let 
large numbers of those who fear G-d and cherish His name gather together to 
pour out their prayers before the Creator of all, in all the synagogues and 
study halls wherever they live, throughout the world, on Wednesday... Let us 
return to G-d with full force, let us better our ways both in matters between 
man and G-d and those between man and his fellow. Let us distance ourselves 
from evil speech and gossip, and increase our love for others. Let each of us 
perceive the positive in others and not their shortcomings. Let us strengthen 
ourselves in Torah and fear of Heaven and in the fulfillment of commandments... 

      The OU and RCA released a joint statement to the same effect: 
      "The Matzav [situation] in Medinat Yisrael [the State of Israel] is truly 
bewildering, discouraging and even depressing not only for our brothers and 
sisters who reside there, but also for Kol Beit Yisrael [the entire House of 
Israel]. More than ever, a fact in which we of the Orthodox community always 
believed is also being recognized by others, "we have no one on whom to rely 
except our Father in Heaven." ... 


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Singer, Songwriter and Teacher of Jewish Music
 Visit my website at
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