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Re: klezmer party CDs?

On Sun, 3 Mar 2002 19:32:54 -0500, you wrote:

>What are your favorite klezmer CDs to play at a party for dancing? In
>particular, a CD
>that you can just play from beginning to end (or at least the first half --
>30-40 minutes), without any programming of individual tracks, that will keep
>partygoers happy on the dance floor?

depends on what kind of party, and what kind of dancing

klezmer brass allstars -- can't lose
klingon klezmer -- everyone and i mean everyone loves this cd. well a lot of 
people anyway
fanfare ciocarlia -- not klezmer but close enough. this is the BEST in the 
yakov's klezmer midis -- huh?
king django -- yiddish reggae is fun
naftule's dream -- of course

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