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Re: klezmer party CDs?

op 04-03-2002 01:32 schreef Seth Rogovoy op rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net:

> What are your favorite klezmer CDs to play at a party for dancing? In
> particular, a CD
> that you can just play from beginning to end (or at least the first half --
> 30-40 minutes), without any programming of individual tracks, that will keep
> partygoers happy on the dance floor?
> --Seth Rogovoy
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
> ---------------------+

Dear Seth, 
Did you ever heard 
"MAZAL TOV, happy jewish wedding party"
made in Israel by Hataklit, distributed by Hed-Arzi, 1973

Marriage March
Wedding Horrah Compilation
Glass Breaking Compilation
Lachaim Compilation
Wine Songs Compilation
Tango Compilation
Waltz Compilation
Passadoble Compilation
Oriental (Mizrachit) Hits Compilation
Happy Greek Hits Compilation
Israel Hits Compilation
Israel Horrah Compilation
Hatikva-Israel, National Anthem

(in my opinion a tasteless, popular, commercial CD)

Cor van Sliedregt
de Westfriese KLZMR Band
The Netherlands

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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