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Re: Cole Porter's Song (was Re: Artie Shaw)

Dear Robert and Listers:

I'm coming in late on this, but Robert states in relation to the question of 
who wrote "Begin the Beguine":
In a message dated 3/10/02 2:33:18 PM, rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

>Answers for our Little Blackbird:
>1) Nope, Artie Shaw did--that is, the instrumental piece of that name,
>made him a mint.  Cole Porter did write words and music to a song of the
>same title (remember, titles can't be copyrighted); I assume that the music
>has nothing to do with Shaw's (?).  In the segment, I believe Shaw refers
>having asked Cole Porter, when the latter complimented him on his 
>(instrumental) piece, whether that meant he could share Porter's royalties.
>This got a predictable response.
No, Robert--I'm afraid it's the exact same piece, unless I'm misunderstanding 
your statement above. Cole Porter and only Cole Porter wrote "Begin the 
Beguine" originally for the film "Jubilee" in 1935--the *same one* that Artie 
Shaw had arranged and recorded instrumentally in 1938. Most people who 
remember the vocal version remember Fred Astaire's rendition in "Broadway 
Melody of 1940." But it's all the same song: Cole Porter's only.


Best wishes,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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