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Fwd: March 4th Gala Benefit at Jewish Museum for Yiddish Theater with Mayor Bloomberg

>From: Zmmlotek (at) aol(dot)com
>Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 09:11:45 EST
>The Board of Directors of the Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre requests the 
>pleasure of your company for an evening of song and laughter
>Celebrating The Renaissance of Yiddish Theatre in America and The Folksbiene 
>Yiddish Theatre's 87th Season
>Monday, the Fourth of March, Two Thousand and Two,
>At half after six o'clock at
>The Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Avenue, New York City
>Cocktails and light fare
>RSVP by February 13th, 2002
>***The Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre is proud to announce that the
>Honorable Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor of the City of New York,
>will be our honored guest at the Jewish Museum, Monday, March 4th, 2002.***
>There are three levels of contribution to this event: 
>1) I will be pleased to join the Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre in celebration at 
>the Jewish Museum on March 4th, 2002.  I would like to make _____reservations 
>at $300 per person. 
>2) Special Benefactor Level: 
>My contribution of $1,000 or more honors the Folksbiene for their dedication 
>to Yiddish Theater. My contribution at this level affords me two (2) tickets 
>to the event and an acknowledgment in the evening's souvenir journal. 
>3) I will not be attending, but wish to make a contribution of 
>To RSVP or for more information, please call us at 212.213.2120. 
>The Folksbiene is a 501(c)3 organization.  Contributions are tax deductible 
>to the extent permitted by law.
>"Rich theater, capable of touching the heart, tickling the funny bone..." 
>Lawrence Van Gelder, The New York Times
>In the early part of the twentieth century, the Folksbiene was one 
>of the many theatres that flourished in the explosion of Yiddish creativity 
>in America.
>Today, after 87 years, it is the only theatre in the United States
>to keep the great tradition of Yiddish theatre alive.
>Folksbiene Board of Directors
>Morris Adler, President Emeritus (1895-2002)
>Harold Platt, Honorary President
>Robert A. Kaplan, President
>Dr. Barnett Zumoff, Vice-President
>Benjamin Feldman, Treasurer
>Samuel Norich, Secretary
>Blanche Binder
>Touby Bishow
>Corey Breier
>Mark Mlotek
>Harold Ostroff
>Tova Ronni
>Charles J. Rose
>Anita & Mark Sarna
>Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld
>Motl Zelmanowicz
>Folksbiene Staff
>Zalmen Mlotek, Executive Director
>Eleanor Reissa, Artistic Director
>Lisa Kirsch, Managing Director
>Beck Lee, Communications Director
>Mark Altman, Artistic Associate
>Tom Teebe, Development Associate
>Jennifer Gandin, Administrative Assistant
>Zalmen Mlotek
>Executive Director
>Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre
>212- 213-2120
>212- 213-2186 (fax)
><A HREF="";>Welcome to the Folksbiene Yiddish 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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