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Metropolitan Klezmer at Makor, Feb 26 (with Sharqiya!)

Metropolitan Klezmer
plays Club Makor at 8 pm

Tuesday, February 26th

... Special Purim double bill with Ismail Butera's Sharqiya ensemble! 

Metropolitan Klezmer's full eight-piece lineup performs at 8 PM, 
playing a panorama of old favorites as well as exciting new 
repertoire, including premieres of pieces adapted from 1920's Moscow 
Soviet Yiddish theater.   "Fantastic players... excellent vocals... 
strength and diversity" - Roots World 

Sharqiya's set follows (at 9:30-ish) with a dazzling array of music 
and dance from the Balkans, Mediterranean, North Africa and - setting 
the Purim scene - Persia.  Leader Ismail Butera sings and plays saz, 
accordion, etc.  Guest artists include oud master Haig Manoukian
and vocalist Carol Freeman, with Greek and Sephardic tunes & more.

... Together these two groups evoke the carousing holiday spirit ~

Makor is at 35 W 67th St, NYC.  Tickets are $12. 
Club info/reservations: 212-601-1000
Or click on 

Metropolitan Klezmer info: 212-475-4544 

Ismail Butera - accordion/bendir
Rick Faulkner - trombone
Pam Fleming - trumpet/fluegelhorn
Michael Hess - violin/ney flute/kanun zither
Dave Hofstra - bass/tuba
Deborah Karpel - vocals
Debra Kreisberg - clarinet/alto sax
Eve Sicular - drums

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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