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neither angry nor thoughtful?

hi, re Robert's comment - in fact , while my message, most of which
Robert didn't repeat, may not have been particularly "thoughtful" (can't
remember what I wrote) it wasn't angry! Whether this was part of that
message or not, surely by now people know that I'm aware of the
processes of musical borrowing and interchange both in general and
between Jewish and other cultures, including the Muslim Middle East

Amnon Shiloah (no, I don't have the reference handy) has a wonderful
anecdote which I've quoted elsewhere, about rabbis in Edirne about a
century ago, going to a mosque during the day on a Friday every week,
and standing at the back to pick up some good tunes to use on

cheers, Judith

> > > Ovadia Orders Shas Pupils to Study Arab Music
> >
> >
> >Arafat will be pleased.
> Though I can understand the (understandable) anger with respect to 
> Palestinians and/or the Arab world that perhaps prompts this response, it is 
> really not a very thoughtful one.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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