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who was looking for chabad recordings?

I forget who was looking for Chabad recordings, so pardon the 

Last I knew they were only on cassette, usually from Chabad-friendly
Judaica stores.

I just came accross this URL

where they are offering a number of the old classics in both
cassette AND cd form at reasonable prices.

I've never dealt with this outfit, though judging from the address
(Kingston St in Brooklyn , which is around the corner from 
Chabad World Headquarters, and the fact that most of the stuff
that carry has a picture of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on it, I expect
it's the Chabad Lubavitch Retail Outlet. (Yes, I'm Jewish.  No thanks,
my wife and I already put on tefillin this morning).

Guess I have to stop digging out the old LPs from old ladies' attics
and go with the official re-releases!


r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

Az men vil shlogn a tsimbl, gefint men a shtekn.
Az dir vil shlogn a tsimbl, darf es gefinen a shtekn mit vos dir tsu derlangen.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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