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Jewish Music Jam in CT

Jewish Music Jam   
sponsored by 
Cafe Ami 

Sunday, February 3, 2002         12:30 pm 

Bagel Brunch and make your own music session 
Klezmer,Yiddish songs, Israeli Dance Tunes, Ladino, Liturgy

Bring your instruments, sheet music, music stands and appetite! 

Cafe Ami    at   Kol Ami
1484 Highland Ave.
Cheshire,CT 06410
(Route 10 near 84/691)

$5.00 chip-in fee 

Call: Willa Horowitz at 203-248-0291    or   email: cafeamicheshire (at) 
(203-272-1006 - Kol Ami message machine) 
for info and directions and to RSVP

Head Count Needed To Buy Brunch Fixings

Willa Horowitz 

Leader and teacher of Israeli, Jewish and International folk dance 

130 Mount Sanford Road 
Hamden, CT 06518 

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