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Re: Ladies Auxiliary

To make it even more relevant, Woody Guthrie was married to the daughter 
of Yiddish poet and songwriter Aliza Greenblatt.

Judith R Cohen wrote:

>Hi, Robert posts the Woody Guthrie Ladies Auxiliary song; the union he
>doens't remember was the CIO (Congress of INdustrial Organizations) and
>the tune is form "The Butcher's Boy" - he used the tune for several
>songs, actually. 
>Since Robert uses the word "irrelevantly", let's see - to make it more
>relevant to JMD, we might muse about how Woody Guthrie might have
>written a song for say, the Sisterhood of the local Dustbowl synagogue,
>or - for the "fair chantresses of Israel".....
>>In light of Judith's subject head, and her frequently expressed passion with 
>>regards to certain issues, I cannot resist mischievously (and irrelevantly) 
>>posting Woody Guthrie's lyrics to a song he wrote when the Ladies Auxiliary 
>>of some union (can't remember which) asked him to write a song for 
>>them--i.e., for the women:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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