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Re: words to "ot azoy" (no, not THAT version)

I believe the name of that version of the song is actually spelled "Utt 
da zoy!"

Robert Cohen wrote:

> Or are you talking about the song that begins "Ot Azoi, sings the 
> tailor," recorded by Cab Calloway and others?
> --Robert Cohen
>> In a message dated 1/24/02 1:41:45 PM, ync8 (at) softhome(dot)net writes:
>> <<
>> "ot azoi, ot azoi, something something some-thing,
>> ot azoi, ot azoi, something something kin-der!"
>> i can't even find my copy of the cd... does anybody know what these 
>> words are
>> here?
>>  >>
>> Are you talking about the song
>> Vi azoy est der keyser bulbes?
>> How does the czar eat potatoes?
>> How......................drink tea?
>> How......................sleep at night?
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