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"the fair chantresses of Israel"

hi, I can't find the reference I was looking for (yet) but in my old MA
thesis came across a couple of gems. 
Yehudah Levy's poem of condolence to a friend whose singing slave-girl
had just died (can one find Hallmark cards in the stationery store for
this occasion?) (quoted in Goitein, A Mediterranean Society, 1967, Vol.
1, p143); and

- can't remember HOW I found this one back in 1980 or so, from the OAJA
13, 1855:pp492,496: a repsonsum by S. Jacobs in an article entitled
"Ladies' Singing in the Synagogue":

"......the delicious privilege of listening to the soft dulcet tones of
the fair chantresses of Israel.....there IS an attractive power in dear
woman's voice, exercising an influence altogether different from that
produced by the sterner voice of man".

just thought I'd share these... Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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