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re: kul(l)onu

The proper transcription of Hebrew in Roman script is indeed quite
difficult. Before you know, a transcription ends up looking like some
sort of Russian.

I've always had mixed feelings regarding such scientific transcription
methods. People who know the language being transcribed don't need a
precise transcription--- they will be able to make up what was meant
anyway. But people who don't know the language won't be able to make any
sense of such a detailed transcription.

> and I don't see a reason to double the 'l' in "kulonu,"

Well, the lamed of kullonu has a dagesh (a small point) in it.
This sign indicated that the letter in question,
really is an abbreviation of a double letter...

The Hebrew script tries to be as efficient as possible.
Therefore not only the vowels get dropped,
double letters are frequently discarded as well in writing.

Irwin Oppenheim

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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