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Re: [jewishshulmusic] Re: Maoz Tzur & Shavuot (part II)

Dear Victor,

There are some points in your reply that are a bit ambiguous to me.

> I am a bit mystified by the references to a Maoz Tsur tune which
> differs from a Sh'ney Zeytim tune.

Are you mistified by the existence of the Dutch Shnei Zeitim tune,
different from the one you know,
or are you mistified by the existence of an Italian Ma'oz Tsur tune,
different from the German one?

> I believe that it wasn't even specifically associated with Maoz Tsur
> until Isaac Nathan's Hebrew Melodies.

Who was Isaac Nathan?
I assume you refer to some anthology of Jewish music?
When was it published?

> I am wondering whether this is the alleged different Sh'ney Zeytim
> tune?

To witch tune are you referring?
The Dutch tune found on
or the Ma'oz Tsur adaption to Shnei Zeitim?
Or still some other tune?

Irwin Oppenheim

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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