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music wire parameters

I *should* know this from the old days of working with computerized
plucked string algorithms (more fun than it sounds like - plucked
and struck strings are very simple to model effectively) but I don't.

If you have an instrument strung in, say, steel, and you replace
the steel string with a brass string of the same diameter tuned
to the same pitch, do you affect the overall stress on the instrument?

I'm guessing "not".  Intuitively, if I used a rubber band it would take
a lot less tension on the instrument to reach the same pitch.  If that's
so, the the real question is how close are brass, bronze, and steel in
that regard and is there a formula to apply to decide on a change of
diameter to end up with the original tension.

And if you doubt this is about Jewish music, you haven't met my 
(strung in steel) tsimbl. 


r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

Libertie, egalitie, a glezl tey.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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