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more Ma'oz etc

hi from the Lomax family's small house in Florida (not for luxury reasons but 
for reasons connected to Alan Lomax's nursing home and therapy needs), next to 
a cheerfully shabby area of Greek fishermen and sponge fishing...
Questions included Shavu'ot, and spelling, as I remember, and recordings. The 
spelling question is easy: French speakers usually use a spelling for Hebrew 
which reflects the norms of French pronunciation, so Solly's message which I'd 
cut and paste in, uses a u after the g in Negev  so that the g will be a hard 
("Golgotha") and not a soft ("giant") g ; the double n in hanneguev was either 
a typo or just emphasizsing the pronunciation. Since Hebrew is always 
transliterated anyway, there's room for variation....
Shavuot- some communities moved songs around different times and year and some 
didn't; those that did (do) often did/do it because they felt/feel like it, 
without much more ado. Those that didn't do it in Morocco, says Solly, were 
scornful of those that did.
There are few or no recordings of any of these outside whatever might be in 
field collections; the tunes were often adapted locally or only on certain 
occasions, and not thought of as things to be recorded by a Jo Amar or a Haim 
Tsur, who in any case may never have heard these tunes being used.
cheers, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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