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Re: Israel/Samuel Goldfarb (was Dreydl)

Rabbi Goldfarb's version has two parts (A + B), so far as I know.  Can you 
more clearly identify *which* three-part version of S. A. you mean?  There 
are lots of "Shalom Aleichems" out there.  (I've lectures on *just" 
"Versions of Shalom Aleichem"!)

In many traditional communities, each verse of "Shalom Aleichem" is sung 
three times--i.e., before going on to the next verse.  But I assume that's 
not what you're referring to here.

Offhand, all the "Shalom Aleichems" I know have two parts, but I may be 
forgetting one with more.

Please enlighten!

--Robert Cohen

>Did Israel Goldfarb write the three-part version of Shalom Aleichem?

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