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that perambulating Rock


> Do you have any idea as to how the tune made its way to the north of
> Morocco? 

No, my guess is probbaly within the last century.

 When was it used in the Moroccan synagogue?  Do Moroccan cantors
> use it as part of their Hanukah celebration?  

I don't know that it was that codified, I'd have to ask. 

> Do you recall in what context
> you've heard it during fieldwork?

Asking about Hanuka tunes, but the people who responded knew it was a
bnorrowed tune, and at least a couple of them consciously added more
ornaments to have fun with this "straight" tune. 
> Do you have a sense of whether such a melody is integrated into their
> musical practice or seen as exotic?  Would Moroccans consider it foreign or
> traditional?

Anything they borrow is "integrated"; once it's there, it's not "exotic"
or "foreign"; if it's sung twice, it's "traditional"! 

> Are there other examples of similar transmigrations of Ashkenazi >melodies to
> the north of Morocco?
Yes, but there are migrations of all kinds of melodies, I don't think
they're particularly concerned with whether a borrowed melody is Jewish,
Moroccan Arabic, or, for example, one popular tune, "Santa Lucia".

But maybe I'll forward these questions to one of them and probably he'll
come up with totally different answers!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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