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Re: new Klezmershack news service

>From Ellie Shapiro, Co-Director, Jewish Music Festival in Berkeley,

A wonderful Chanukah gift for all you Yiddish-lovers out there. . . A unique
CD. . . Arkady Gendler: My Hometown Soroke, Yiddish Songs of the Ukraine.
This selection of 16 rare and original songs comes with notes by Mark Slobin
and Michael Alpert; transcriptions, translations and transliterations by
Jeanette Lewicki..

Arkady Gendler, now 80, was born in the Bessarabian city of Sorok, the tenth
child of a large, Yiddish-speaking family that loved to sing and stage
theatrical performances. He and a brother were the only ones to survive the
Holocaust.  Although it was forbidden in the Soviet Union to openly
participate in Yiddish cultural activities, Arkady continued to study for
almost 50 years. When it became possible to open a Jewish high school after
the breakup of the Soviet Union, he created a teaching method in Zaparozhe,
Ukraine, that revolved around the endless repertoire he had stored for half
a century, as well as new songs that he composed.

This is his first and only recording, reflecting the powerful history of his
generation, as well as his own warmth, wit and humor. The collection
includes a song heretofore unrecorded by Itsik Manger, which Arkady learned
from his sister, as well as a verse to the folk song Tumbalalaika,
previously unknown.  His rich, sonorous voice comes from a bottomless well
of neshoma, perfectly complimented by the accordion accompaniment of
Jeanette Lewicki of the San Francisco Klezmer Experience.

The Jewish Music Festival recorded Arkady Gendler at Fantasy Studios, after
the wildly enthusiastic reception he received from more than a thousand
concert-goers at our 15th Annual Festival in March, 2000. Everyone connected
with the production donated their services so that all profits would go
directly to Mr. Gendler.  The cost of the CD is $18 plus $2.00 shipping.
Group orders are possible. Credit card orders can be taken by phone at
510-848-0237 x 226. Checks can be mailed to: The Jewish Music Festival, c/o
BRJCC, 1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA, 94709

Happy Chanukah, everyone.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ari Davidow <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 12:41 PM
Subject: new Klezmershack news service

> There is now a news service attached to the KlezmerShack, which can also
be used by other websites. To catch up on the news, visit:
> (or just look at the top of the right-hand column on the klezmershack).
> For information on including the feed on your website:
> 1. Using javascript:
> 2. For information about using RSS (the XML format in which this is done)
and even starting your own news service, start with the spec at .
> And, of course, if you have news, post it here, and I'll pick it up, or
send me private e-mail.
> ari
> P.S. Oh, yes, news local to the Klezmershack: there is a new review of
(mostly new) albums, including Di Naye Kapele, Lerner &amp; Moguilevsky (aka
'Klezmer en Buenos Aires'), Moshe 'Moussa' Berlin, Klezmokum, Shirim Klezmer
Orchestra w/Ellen Kushner, Hester Street Troupe, Mesinke, a rerelease from
the Chicago Klezmer Ensemble, and two compilations: the Rough Guide to
Klezmer and Henry Sapoznik's Klezmer! Jewish Music from Old World to Our
World at
> Ari Davidow
> ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
> list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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