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RE: Yiddishkayt & Israelis

"The Yiddish Are Coming, The Yiddish Are Coming!!!"

By the opinions of some of the responses to this thread, I think that what 
has been said regarding Yiddish in Israel is pretty much out of date.

Twelve years ago, when I took over what is now Hatikvah, I had MANY Israeli 
clients who regarded Yiddish as "ugly", that is very seldom the case today.

All the reasons as to why Yiddish was considered "ugly" in Israel, might have 
had some validity after W.W.II, however, the distance of time has changed the 
way many people think of Yiddish.

All the negative things said about Yiddish, were also said in the US in an 
effort to blend in and not to provoke "di antisemiten". For decades Yiddish 
was considered the language of 'our grandfathers' and many people were 
ashamed to speak it in public.

Now, it's almost impossible to see a TV show or film without some Yiddish 
words spoken as casually as any dialog in English. Last night's tribute to 
Whoopy Goldberg at the Kennedy Center is an example when a Black comedian used
 Yiddish words twice and explained to the audience it was an "in joke."

>From what I have been told, in Israel today, there are many schools that 
teach Yiddish, and not just to Ashkenazi students. In the US that is the case 
as well. I have met many non-Jews that have taken Yiddish at the University 
of Judaism.
It is now considered very "hip" to be able to speak Yiddish (EVEN by 
Jews!!!) in Los Angeles (Hollywood). 

There are many colleges that now teach Yiddish in California and there are 
many Yiddish Culture Clubs around the world. Checkout "Der Bay" at for more on that subject.

At Hatikvah, Yiddish has always been our top selling category of music, and 
NOT just to Jewish clients...even during the "Klezmer" phenomenon. 
Interestingly, more of the Klezmer groups are recording more Yiddish 
vocals--such as the Klezmatics with Chava Alberstein which was a huge seller 
in Europe where there is such a large non-Jewish audience. The same goes for 
"Di Naye Kapelye". theKlezmer Conservatory Bands CDs sell especially well 
here BECAUSe the alternate intstrumentals with Yiddish on all theri 
Cds...something for everybody. There is a much bigger audience for Yiddish 
than one might think; be it music, literature, or the language.

Isn't it interesting that in Austria there is a group called "Gojim" (Goyim), 
and in Holland a group "Di Gojim", both non-Jewish, who perform Yiddish, yet 
there is no group tha I know of, called "The Jews" doing Christian music!

Yiddish is like on open secret somewhat like this little story;

Two little old men were on the beach in Miami.
(with a Yiddish accent)

Myron:  Sam, how many Chinese do you think there are in the world?

Sam:  Well, maybe 2 billion.

Myron:  Two billion?  (pause) Sam, how many Jews do you think there are in 
the                 world?

Sam: I don't know, maybe 18 or 20 million.

Myron:  So, 2 billion Chinese, and 18 million Jews???.......Sam, look up the 
beach,            now, look down the beach.   How many Chinese do you see?

So, if you're looking for Yiddishkayt...look up the beach, look down the 

Happy Bird Day,
Hatikvah Music


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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