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Continuum and Cantor Robert Ableson perform Copland

I apologize if this is not the proper way to extend an invitation, but we're 
trying to spread this news as widely as we can -- I'm including a press release 
about this concert and would be happy to offer free tickets to anyone who 
learns about the concert through this message.

The Eighth Annual Bachrach Memorial Concert will take place at Temple Israel on 
Tuesday evening, December 4, at 8:00 pm.  This year&#8217;s concert is an 
extraordinary presentation in collaboration with Continuum &#8211; an 
internationally renowned Music Ensemble under the direction of Cheryl Seltzer, 
a member of our congregation.  Continuum has performed throughout the United 
States and Puerto Rico, and in Europe, Asia and Latin America, including tours 
to Uzbekistan and Mongolia.
The concert, entitled "CELEBRATING AARON COPLAND" includes Sonata for Violin 
and Piano; &#8220;Vitebsk, Study on a Jewish Theme&#8221; for violin, cello, 
and piano -- one of Copland&#8217;s few specifically Jewish works, inspired by 
the art of Marc Chagall and &#8220;The Dybbuk&#8221; by S. Ansky, both of whom 
came from Vitebsk;  "Waltz and Celebration" from Billy the Kid in the 
composer's arrangement for cello and piano; selections from Old American Songs; 
and piano pieces from Copland's entire career. Performers are violinist Tom 
Chiu, cellist Kristina Reiko Cooper, and pianist Cheryl Seltzer, along with our 
own Cantor Robert Abelson. Continuum had a warm relationship with Copland, 
going back to the group's retrospective of his music in 1974.  And Cantor 
Abelson has also performed in the past with Continuum. 
The collaboration of Continuum -- a music ensemble dedicated to &#8220;the 
philosophy that new music and old form an unbroken tradition&#8221; and 
&#8220;aiming to expand the audience for this century's music&#8221; -- and a 
progressive Jewish congregation blessed with a Cantor whose voice spans the 
range of the most traditional to the most modern, and never fails to move our 
souls is unique in the New York City music scene.  

We hope that you will attend this extraordinary event, and spread the word to 
friends and neighbors.  Please call the temple at 212.249.5000 for tickets (as 
our guests, if you mention this e-mail message!)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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