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Re: Dylan Redux

Fascinating!--because, in the RS interview, Dylan offers the following 
bring-you-up-short (or, at least, *me* up short) observation:

"But if we know anything about G!d, G!d is arbitrary [!].  So people better 
be able to deal with that...."

>Slightly ashamed, I can offer an answer to the least cerebral of your
>points - the leather cup: we use it for "scrambling" and tossing dice

> > Maybe inspired by the interview, I listened to "Desolation Row" (one of
> > uh, twelve-minute ones) for the first time in a long time and was 
> > again, by how brilliant and redolent so many of the images are (the RS 
> > refers to the "new world-changing methods of language and sharp wit" on
> > HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED).  Consider:
> >
> > "Dr. Filth, he keeps his world
> > Inside of a leather cup
> > But all his sexless patients
> > They're trying to blow it up"
> >
> > A long shot:  Can anyone think of a paragon of Filth (with, as it 
> > great _patience_, for Talmudophiles who think it's OK to see puns in
> > prophecies) whose sexless acolytes are trying to blow up our world?  
> > asking--in my studying prophetic writings for clues mode...
> >
> > I'm just trying to figure out what the leather cup is.

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