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Re: Ain Sof & zmiros

This looks like it's going to be quite a special release.

Abbi Wood wrote:
> Tayere khaveyrim,
> This appears to be a good time for the release of book/CD sets! Last week
> my copy of Frank London, Lorin Sklamberg & Rob Schwimmer's new 'Zmiros' CD
> arrived. It comes coupled with a new Shabbes songbook/bencher, "Ain Sof",
> made by NYU and published by KTAV. For those who were at KlezKanada, this
> is the one Frank London and Jim Loeffler were talking about. The Ain Sof
> project also has a highly cool website at where you can
> listen to the CD and see a few pages.
> As expected, the music is great. In addition to 8 Hebrew zmiros there are
> also 2 Yiddish tracks, including a beautiful 'A gute vokh' found in the
> YIVO archives. The Ain Sof book has a nice layout, including colour art
> reproductions, excerpts of literature, an interview with Frank London and
> various annotations, and extra zmiros as well as the usual bencher content
> (the book and CD don't match up completely - it's a shame that the text
> for 'Az nisht keyn emune' isn't in there). It's also a shame that Jim
> Loeffler's essay on zmiros only comes with the separate version of the CD
> (which I believe hasn't come out yet). Having said that though, it's
> really a great deal, since the book and CD cost just USD 16.95 together.
> You can buy it online at
> Highly recommended!
> Abbi

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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