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Re: Hurray?


what the terrorists did on Sept 11 is horrible.  I do understand that it
causes feelings of hatred and revenge. I do not judge this war, and I do not
judge anybody's feelings. If you feel you want to shout 'Hurray', you might do
The only thing I ask is,  please don't post it to the list. 
This list is about Jewish Music.
Not about war.

> Well, I think you should leave it up to them as to
> what decision they want to make about their lives or their deaths.
I don't think you have much of a choice when your village gets bombed,
especially not if you're three, or ninety, years old. This war killed
thousands of innocent
people, both in New York and Afghanistan. None of them had a choice.

> If your country were the one they were determined to destroy, you wouldn't
> talk this way.
My family knows what war is. And they don't like 'hurrays'.
But let's really not discuss that on this list.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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